This Fishing Life: Part V
Pelagic fishing (mid-water trawling) I can’t now remember which of our vessels dipped a mid-water trawl first. But it was certainly before we acquired the Vig. And although I don’t remember it Carmania certainly tried it because I do remember an article in the Plymouth evening paper from that time proclaiming the “largest catch of Pilchard for “x” years landed by Plymouth trawler Carmania.” That was 17 tons if my memory is correct. And of course several of our vessels had a go at the Sprat fishery. So we must have bought trawls for them as we didn't make them, as we did with the bottom trawls; presumably from Bridport Gundry, the netting and fishing supplies company of that town. (Cosalt had a small outlet in Quay Road, and Mashford and Coads Brothers had retail outlets for clothing, gloves, twine and cordage, etc. on the Barbican. But Bridport Gundry were the go-to for trawls and bulk netting.) Perhaps the trips up to Bridport were when we bought the Sprat nets, and later mid...